Ground Penetrating Radar
What is Ground-Penetrating Radar?
Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) is anon-destructive geophysical method that uses radar pulses to detect and mapsubsurface structures and materials. It emits high-frequency electromagneticwaves into the ground, which bounce off various subsurface features, creatingdetailed images of the underground environment.
Our Ground-Penetrating Radar Services:Discover the range of applications andservices offered by our Ground-Penetrating Radar expertise:

Utility Locating
GPRis utilized for mapping underground utilities, such as pipelines, cables, andburied infrastructure, preventing accidental damage during excavation orconstruction.

Concrete Inspection
GPRis effective in assessing concrete structures, detecting rebar, voids, cracks,and other anomalies without the need for invasive testing.

Geological Investigations
GPR aids in geological studies byanalyzing subsurface layers, detecting bedrock depth, faults, and identifyingchanges in soil composition

Archaeological Surveys
Archaeologists use GPR to explorehistorical sites, mapping buried artifacts, structures, and features withoutexcavation.

Environmental Assessments
GPR assists in environmentalassessments by mapping underground contamination, monitoring groundwater, andevaluating subsurface conditions

Road and Pavement Analysis
GPR helps assess road and pavementconditions, identifying subsurface defects, thickness, and structuralintegrity.